Letter to ATRA supporters

Letter to ATRA Supporters

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January 23, 2015

Thank you for your support of the Amend the RAVE Act educational campaign that I have undertaken.  It is because of your active involvement in this monumental, multifaceted effort that federal legislators have taken note of our work.  My husband, Rob, and I have meet with one of Virginia’s Democratic U.S. senators as well as a prominent Republican congressman in the House of Representatives.  Both members of congress have been open to looking into the issue.  This is promising and I am anxious for some action. Patience and endurance are the key words of this fight.  Nothing moves quickly in the federal government but I am convinced that we are educating many people along the way as I pursue this issue.

On a different front, at the executive level, I plan to meet with a member of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy in the near future.  I have learned that the White House is in the process of formulating a position on this issue and I hope to be part of that offices analysis of the issue. As we make progress, I will be sure to let you know.   Again, thank you.


P.S.  My husband and I are participating in a documentary produced by Viveka Films called “MDMA The Movie.”  Here is a link to a short video from our first interview where we talk about the potentially life-save benefits of harm reduction:

And for more information about the film, please visit

MDMA The Movie

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